Building “Chitty”

for about $3,000 and a great deal of free labor

Welcome To Building Chitty

When I was first approached to build Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for Maui On Stage, I began my research. It was difficult to find any meaningful plans or source material on how to build this car for the theater. The few items I found were for professionally built cars costing well over $8,000. After almost 9 months of planning and building with a budget of only $3,000 I created what you see here. I’m now sharing what I learned with other makers who were faced with this same challenge.


“Chitty” Onstage

Here is a short clip of Chitty in action on stage at the Historic IAO Theater on Maui for the Maui On Stage 2017 holiday production of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”

(jump to 3:09 if you just want to see her drive)